by | Aug 28, 2024


Date 29th July 2024
Time 6.00 p.m.
Present Jeremy Nicholls [Presiding Member], Peter Cann, Mohammed Sahu Khan and Darryl Wilson [MoE appointed Trustee] Leigh Manukau  and Lofi Tuala [Parent Elected Trustee]Lilien Skudder [Staff appointed Trustee] and Pauline Cornwell – [Principal]
In Attendance Barbara Ferregel – Principal’s PA/Board Secretary, Tamara Gersbach – RTLB Cluster Manager.
Apologies Kimiora Parata [Parent Elected Trustee/Deputy Chairperson]
Minute taker Barbara Ferregel


Welcome and Karakia

  • Thank you Lofi for the Karakia.

Welcome to Tamara Gersbach – RTLB Cluster Manager
–   Tamara shared the Cluster July report with the Board prior to the meeting
–   Appointment of new Admin person – Farihah Sheikh. Farihah has settled in very well and RTLB are very grateful for her help and support.
–  Significant roll growth in our local schools which has increased our roll significantly.
–  Two vacancies in term 4 – these 2 positions will not be filled until beginning of 2025.
–   Approval to appoint in 2025     Peter
Seconded    Lofi
Carried         Unanimously
–  Lead Principal and Cluster Manager Forum – 12th August in Wellington. – Tamara and
Pauline will attend this.
Celebrations, Risks and Issues log

Jeremy moved Tamara’s report is accepted
Seconded       Peter
Carried           Unanimously

Thank you Tamara. Tamara left the meeting at 6.10 p.m.
–   Peter – clarification on learning only is about 50% of RTLB work.
–    RTLB deal with moderate behaviour issues. Teacher may need support to strengthen an aspect of behavioural management.

Conflict of Interest
–   Members declared that according to the printed agenda no one had a conflict of interest with any business to be discussed this evening.
Moved                Jeremy Nicholls
Carried               Unanimously

Confirmation of precious Minutes
–    Pauline Cornwell moved that the minutes of the 24th June 2024 are a true and correct record of the meeting.
–    Moved               Pauline
Seconded          Peter
Carried              Unanimously

Matters Arising
–   Nil

Welcome to our families requesting out of zone applications for 2025 on compassionate grounds.

At 6.15 p.m. Jeremy Nicholls moved that the Public be excluded from discussion of confidential items relating to personnel matters because of their sensitive nature. Carried – Unanimously.
This ‘in committee’ discussion closed at 7.10 p.m. and the regular meeting resumed.
The Board Chair and Principal agreed to carry out the actions outlined in the ‘in-committee’ meeting. 

Principals Report
Pauline had shared her report with all members to read prior to the meeting.

  • Updated Strategic goals – will share staff feedback
  • Maori Hui – data shared with Board Members
  • 5YA still awaiting Ministry approval
  • Roll growth – currently 792
  • Masterchef competition – 14th August at 12.00 to 3.00 p.m. in the Tech/Art Room
  • Visual arts exhibition – 11th September – 3.00 to 6.00 p.m. in the Tech/Art Rooms
  • Market Day – 18th September from 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. in the Gym
  • Replacing the Hard Court – The Ministry have confirmed they will only replace one court. Our school must have two courts available. This will be a cost of $175,000.00 to the school
    • Approval is required for the Board to put this money aside to pay for the additional hard court.
    • Discussion – Darryl was concerned about the projected working capital.
    • Pauline moved that the Board put $175,000.00 to build the other hard court at the same time as the Ministry hard court is built.
      Seconded                         Peter
      Carried                              Unanimously
  • Pauline was directed to ensure that there was an increase in the working capital – re reduce spending.
  • Moving of RTLB rooms is confirmed.
  • Parking is a dilemma with the Ministry for Mt Richmond Unit and taxis coming in and out and RTLB – Pauline is still in discussion with the Ministry about parking.
  • Weathertightness project has been stretched out. Finish date is now 22nd October 2024.
  • Entrance canopy starts in August.
  • At the August meeting board will discuss the Curriculum data. Donna and Tracy will attend to talk about the data.

Pauline moved that –  Principal’s report is accepted.
Seconded                                        Jeremy
Carried                                            Unanimously


  • June Finance Report and commentaries
  • Visa payment for both the School and RTLB
  • Bank statements
  • Credit Card spending – both school and RTLB 
  • June Finances, reports, payments and statements approved
    • Moved                Darryl
      Seconded           Peter
      Carried               Unanimously


  • Draft Drawing Set shared with Board – Mt Richmond Unit
  • Moved the Property Report is accepted Jeremy
    Carried                Unanimously


  • Everyday Matters Attendance Data – shared in Board Folder

Other Business

  • Chromebooks to be written off
    • Signed off by Jeremy

Meeting closed at 7.45 p.m.

Next Meeting – Monday 26th August 2024 at 6.00 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room