26th June 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

by | Jul 30, 2024


Date 24th June 2024
Time 6.00 p.m.
Present Jeremy Nicholls [Presiding Member], Peter Cann and Darryl Wilson [MoE appointed Trustee] Kimiora Parata [Parent Elected Trustee/Deputy Chairperson] Lilien Skudder [Staff appointed Trustee] and Pauline Cornwell – [Principal]
In Attendance Barbara Ferregel – Principal’s PA/Board Secretary, Anna Rutherford [SAJ Services] and Lee-Anne Keates

2 x Families – in committee discussion

Apologies Mohammed Sahu Khan  – [MoE appointed Trustees],Lofi Tuala and Leigh Manukau [Parent Elected Trustee]
Minute taker Barbara Ferregel


Welcome and Karakia
–    Thank you Darryl for the Karakia.

Welcome to the families who are requesting an out of zone enrolment for their child in 2025, on compassionate grounds.
–    Jeremy explained how the in committee discussion would work.

At 6.05 p.m. Peter Cann moved that the Public be excluded from discussion of confidential items relating to personnel matters because of their sensitive nature. Seconded – Jeremy. Carried – Unanimously.
This ‘in committee’ discussion closed at 6.30 p.m. and the regular meeting resumed.
The Board Chair and Principal agreed to carry out the actions outlined in the ‘in-committee’ meeting.

Families left the meeting at 6.30 p.m.


  • Auditors report – draft for signing off tonight.
  • Currently we are now a ‘non compliant’ as our Auditors EOY report was not submitted by the 31st May 2024. This was not fault of the schools or the documents submitted to the Auditors. The school and can apply to the auditor general to have this reversed.

– Write a letter to the Auditor General’s office and explain why the Audit was late and Crowe’s
approval to do this.

– The Board support Pauline to do this
Moved                Jeremy
Carried               Unanimously

  • Anna advised the Board that 40% of schools are in this situation – this is no fault of the school or finances. Auditors are under staffed and under pressure. On the draft report finally received on the 19th June the Auditors had ‘no concerns’.
  • Anna had been in contact with the Auditors regularly and ‘yes’ they have taken the blame.
  • Anna has put in a request that we change Teams within Crowe for our next Audit.
  • Accept draft Auditors Report

Moved      Jeremy
Carried     Unanimously

  • Confirm School Audit Contract Round for 2024 – 2025
    Moved that the Board continue with Crowe as the Auditors for the next 2024 – 2025 round
  • – Anna will be putting in a request to move Teams

Moved              Lilien
Seconded          Kimi
Carried              Unanimously

  • May reports
    – Anna took the Board through the financials covering all the reports thoroughly

–  The Board were happy with the reports and the financial situation the school is currently in.
Increased spending because of roll growth and setting up new classes

  • Budget review has been done successfully.
    – Board need to approve the increased budget spending
    –     Moved                        Darryl
    Seconded                   Lilien
    Carried                        Unanimously

    • May Finance Report and commentaries
    • Visa payment for both the School, Papatoetoe Principals and RTLB
    • Bank statements
    • Credit Card spending – both school, Pap Principals and RTLB

 May Finances, reports, payments and statements approved

    • Moved                               Darryl
      Seconded           –             Peter
      Carried               –             Unanimously
  • Approve to move the Papatoetoe Principals Association finances to the Seventh Day Adventist School

Moved                    Jeremy
Carried                    Unanimously

Lee-Anne thanked Anna for her support.
Anna left the meeting at 7.05 p.m.

At 7.05 p.m. Peter Cann moved that the Public be excluded from discussion of confidential items relating to personnel matters because of their sensitive nature. Seconded – Jeremy. Carried – Unanimously.
This ‘in committee’ discussion closed at 7.15 p.m. and the regular meeting resumed.
The Board Chair and Principal agreed to carry out the actions outlined in the ‘in-committee’ meeting.

Lee-Anne left the meeting at 7.15 p.m.

Conflict of Interest

  • Members declared that according to the printed agenda no one had a conflict of interest with any business to be discussed this evening.
    • Moved                Jeremy Nicholls
      Carried               Unanimously

Confirmation of precious Minutes

  • Pauline Cornwell moved that the minutes of the 13th May 2024 are a true and correct record of the meeting.
  • Moved Pauline

Seconded               Kimi
Carried                    Unanimously

  • Matters Arising

–   Lilien was successful in the school getting $4500,00 Growing for Good Grant. Thank you Lilien.

–   Canopy approved by the Ministry. To be installed in September 2024.


  • Property Occupancy Agreement Document

–  Ministry has confirmed that the school is under code and we need 5 new classrooms

–   3 classes in the ‘old’ administration building

–   2 modular classes [at the front of the school where the Hall used to be]

–  The Ministry accepts that the school is experience rapid roll growth and therefore a long

term roll growth project will start asap – hopefully before the end of 2025.

This will see a 6 room classroom block, at the Great South Road end of the field.

  • Moved the Property Report is accepted Jeremy
    Carried                                                   Unanimously

Principals Report

Pauline had shared her report with all members to read over prior to the meeting.

  • Out of zone – year 7 2024 students were only accepted on compassionate grounds
  • Suggested Strategic Goals – discussed

–  Run a session with staff on how we frame these

–  Add a goal in that is staff focussed – staff well being

–    Staff Laptop leases – lots coming up this year

  • Bonnie Nielsen – retiring at the end of this term after 17 years.
  • No Science Teacher until we have 2 Science Labs. Decision to employ a PE teacher instead.
  • Everyday Matters attendance data discussed.
  • Sports Camp approval

Moved                    Pauline
Seconded               Jeremy
Carried                    Unanimously

Pauline moved that –

  • Principal’s report is accepted

Seconded                                        Jeremy
Carried                                            Unanimously


  • Application for new or replacement PODE variation notice and agreement – Mt Richmond
  • Everyday Matters Term 1 2024 data
  • Letter from Hon Erica Stanford
  • Email from Hon Erica Stanford
  • NSTA AGM Booklet
  • Landmark Specialist Schools Development
    • Moved the correspondence is accepted               Jeremy
      Carried               Unanimously

Other Business

  • 2025 Board Meeting dates for approval
  • – Elections in May 2025 – TBC [these are usually late September]

–     Moved              Peter
Seconded         Jeremy
Carried              Unanimously

  • Te Whakaroputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa [NZSTA] 34th Conference 2024 – report from Kimi, Leigh, Lilien and Pauline
    – Thank you Lilien and Kimi for presenting this report and sharing your time away with us.
    –  Pauline, Lilien, Leigh and Kimi thoroughly enjoyed the Conference
    –  Keynote speakers were very valuable
    –  Gala Dinner – Change can be Magical – such a highlight
    –  Lilien won a $250.00 morning tea shout for the school from NFL
    –  Lilien also won a Galaxy phone – so exciting
    –  AGM was cancelled – not enough registrations
  • Schools as Immunisation hubs
    – The Board discussed this and voted against this
    –     Moved        Darryl
    Seconded   Lilien
    Carried        Unanimously

At 8.30 p.m. Pauline Cornwell moved that the Public be excluded from discussion of confidential items relating to personnel matters because of their sensitive nature. Seconded – Jeremy. Carried – Unanimously.
The ‘in committee’ discussion closed at  9.00 p.m. and the regular meeting resumed.
The Board Chair and Principal agreed to carry out the actions outlined in the ‘in-committee’ meeting.

Meeting closed at 9.15 p.m.

Next Meeting – Monday 29th July 2024 at 6.00 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room