BOARD MINUTES – 25th March 2024

by | May 14, 2024

Monday 25th March 2024 and 6.00 p.m. in the Meeting Room

Jeremy Nicholls [Presiding Member] Mohammed Sahu Khan [until 7.00 p.m.] and Darryl Wilson – [MoE appointed Trustees] and Leigh Manukau [Parent Elected Trustee], Kimiora Parata [Parent Elected Trustee/Deputy Chairperson] Lilien Skudder [Staff appointed Trustee] and Pauline Cornwell – [Principal]

In Attendance
Barbara Ferregel – Principal’s PA/Board Secretary

Peter Cann – Ministry appointed Trustee and Lofi Tuala [Parent Elected Trustee].

Welcome and Karakia
–     Thank you Darryl for the Karakia.

Welcome to Mike Leach – Principal Appraiser

  • Jeremy welcomed Mike
  • Mike shared his appraisal summary with members
    • School Trustees still like Principals to have a performance agreement/appraisal
    • Summary – Principals do like their Board to know that they are doing a good job. Someone independent gives this view. If as a Board something comes to mind during the year please mention this to Pauline or email Mike.
      • Pauline’s goals for 2024
        • Student agency – via student self reporting, student mentoring and student feedback to teachers
        • Teacher support – new teachers, mentoring, induction and buddy teacher processes
        • MoE Property Projects [Old Admin area – Weather tightness, Mt Richmond Modular classes] and 10YPP/5YA update.
        • Strategic Plan update based on 2023 Community feedback, staff and Board input and Board sign off.
      • Pauline’s work load – Board members are concerned that it may have become too heavy meaning she can not get involved with the students as much as she would like to.
      • A lot of demands today from the Ministry – additional paperwork etc.
      • Introduction to the school year is very impressive. Mike uses Pauline’s practice to present to 1st time Principals. Pauline creates a belonging.
      • Transparency between Pauline and the Board is very strong.
      • Pauline has a duty twice a week and is always at the assemblies – being visible as much as possible.
      • Mike said that there are many, many, things about our school that the Board should be proud of.
      • Mike will do a survey of all staff early next term – google doc back to Mike.
    • Thank you Mike – Mike left the meeting at 6.30 p.m.
  • Conflict of Interest
    Members declared that according to the printed agenda no one had a conflict of interest with any business to be discussed this evening.
    • Moved                Jeremy Nicholls
      Carried               Unanimously
  • Confirmation of precious Minutes
    Pauline Cornwell moved that the minutes of the 19th February 2024 are a true and correct record of the meeting.
    Seconded               Darryl
    Carried                    Unanimously

Matters Arising                Nil


  • Anna and Lee-Anne will come to May Meeting – they will then have the Auditors report and feedback.
  • Anna’s questions/concerns had been shared with Board Members – Darryl explained how the projected working capital works.
    • Darryl will email Anna just to clarify the working capital final balance.
    • Study Centre – under spent. Rent and cleaning are now being charged with the approval of the Ministry.
  • February Finance Report and commentaries
  • Visa payment for both the School, Papatoetoe Principals and RTLB
  • Bank statements
  • Credit Card spending – both school, Pap Principals and RTLB
    • Seconded            Jeremy
      Carried                Unanimously
  • 2024 budget approved and accepted
    • Moved                 Darryl
      Seconded           Jeremy
      Carried                Unanimously

 Moved the February School and RTLB Finances are approved – Kimi
Seconded               Darryl
Carried                   Unanimously

February 2024 Watershed Property Report
–     Shared in the Board folder
–     Old Admin block started on the 18th March and it should be finished in September 2024.
–      Amended Cyclical Maintenance with a 2% inflation rate – approved
Moved                Jeremy
Carried               Unanimously

Moved Property report is accepted              Jeremy
Carried                                                         Unanimously

  • Principals Report
    Pauline had shared her report with all members to read over prior to the meeting.
    Schedule of Delegations for 2024/2025 shared with Board
    Approved          Jeremy
    Carried              Unanimously
  • Dates for 2024 – now finishing on the 16th December not the 17th December [the 17th December would have put us one day over]. 16th December will be a TOD and students will finish on Friday 13th
  • Draft 2025 dates shared – to be confirmed at the May meeting
  • Pauline explained relieving staffing and budget to the Board and how it works.
  • The Finance Management for Papatoetoe Principals is moving from Papatoetoe Intermediate to Seventh Day Adventist School, Papatoetoe by the 31st July 2024.
  • Staffing
    • Room 32 teacher started on the 11th
    • Munisa Adams in Room 8 has arrived.
    • Raymond Potgieter – arrives on the 3rd April and will start o the 8th April in Room 3
    • Lynn Corderoy will move into a Maternity Leave cover in Room 18.
    • Room 17 teacher has started – Roneel Raj
      • In the process of employing 3 new teachers – one for room new room and 2 to replace staff leaving.
    • We have also welcomed 2 new support staff – Roshela Stephens and Prakashni Mala.
  • Enrolments – currently 786 with 7 pre-enrolments – has slowed a ‘little’. About 5 new in zone enrolments each week.
  • 10YPP will be ready for the May meeting
  • Pauline shared ‘school docs’ with the Board and explained how it works.
  • Pauline moved that –
    • Principal’s report is accepted
      Seconded           Kimi
      Carried               Unanimously


  • PLD Grants for Principals
  • Minutes from Kahui Ako – 5th March 2024
  • Mt Richmond School – Review of Charges
    • Reviewed as we can re charge with increased cleaning costs etc
  • Auckland Council – re recycling services
  • Ministerial Inquiry into School Property
  • Ordered – ‘Set Top Boxes’ [this has arrived]
  • RTLB Satisfaction Survey results
    • Tamara will come to the May meeting and present the data
  • Evacuation routes  – new ones
  • ‘Your Mental Health is Important too’ – copy for each Board Member
    • Principals Mental Health

Other Business

  • Increased behaviour issues – how would the Board like the school to address this?
    • 3 Scenarios shared with Board Members to discuss
      • Board will not tolerate any of the behaviours in the scenarios.
      • Hard consequences – stand downs, Suspensions, Police involvement.
        • Each case needs to be dealt with as its own case at the time
        • The Board appreciated the discussion and agreed that the Board are not happy and will not tolerate any of this sort of behaviour.
        • The Board found this to be a very useful exercise.

Who will be going to NZSTA Conference in Wellington – 6 – 9th June 2024?
Leigh                   –             Confirmed
Kimi                     –             Confirmed
Lilien                   –             Confirmed
Pauline               –             Confirmed

  • EWaste – from Diane for Board approval
    • Moved                Jeremy
      Carried               Unanimously

At 8.00 p.m. Jeremy Nicholls moved – Carried by all present – that the Public be excluded from discussion of confidential items relating to personnel matters because of their sensitive nature.

The ‘in committee’ discussion closed at 8.25 p.m. and the regular meeting resumed.

The Board Chair and Principal agreed to carry out the actions outlined in the ‘in-committee’ meeting.

Meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.

Next Meeting – Monday 13th May 2024 at 6.00 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room