BOARD MINUTES 26th August 2024

by | Sep 24, 2024


Date 26th August 2024
Time 6.00 p.m.
Present Jeremy Nicholls [Presiding Member], Mohammed Sahu Khan and Darryl Wilson [MoE appointed Trustee] Kimiora Parata [Parent Elected Trustee/Deputy Chairperson] Leigh Manukau  and Lofi Tuala [Parent Elected Trustee] and Pauline Cornwell – [Principal]
In Attendance Barbara Ferregel – Principal’s PA/Board Secretary, Donna Young [Deputy Principal] and Tracy Prout – Associate Principal.
Apologies Lilien Skudder [Staff appointed Trustee]  and Peter Cann [Ministry appointed Trustee]
Minute taker Barbara Ferregel


Welcome and Karakia

  • Thank you Darryl for the Karakia.


Welcome to Donna Young [DP] and Tracy Prout [AP]

  • Curriculum Progress Report – summary
    • Tracy shared the summary with members and went through the report.
    • Maths
      • Data is a concern but PIS is sitting above the national average.
      • Next steps include :
        • Continue to provide ongoing professional learning to staff members.
        • Provide more opportunities for students to develop the foundational skills of place value and basic facts.
        • Continue to unpack vocabulary and encourage more visual aids in classrooms and on wall displays.
      • ‘Shift from a problem focus to a solution focus.’
      • Jeremy suggested – lets get our families more involved. Engagement. Reading – work on the weekly grocery budget. Fortnightly incentive in the newsletter – ‘how you can help at home with student learning.’


  • Reading
    • Increasing number of students are arriving with additional needs and lower levels of literacy capability.
      • The introduction of the ‘Code’ has created a platform to address some of the needs at a phonological level. Add in Evaluation Statement
    • Next steps include:
      • A structure and strategic integration of the Code.
      • Continued upskilling of new staff.
      • Shared planning and regular discussions within teams on data analysis and tracking of target students.


  • Writing
    • Writing can be very tricky to assess
    • Students are arriving with lower levels of literacy capability and we have a number of teachers who do not have an understanding of the developmental stages involved in learning to write – as there background and experience has primarily been in at the higher education levels.
    • Next steps include:
      • Using the ‘Writing Learning Progressions’ to support the development of students’ writing goals and the feedback teachers will provide against those goals.
      • Upskilling the curriculum leader in effective use of the PACT tool.

Thank you Donna and Tracy.  Left the meeting at 6.50 p.m.

At 6.15 p.m. Jeremy Nicholls moved that the Public be excluded from discussion of confidential items relating to personnel matters because of their sensitive nature. Carried – Unanimously.
This ‘in committee’ discussion closed at 7.05 p.m. and the regular meeting resumed.
The Board Chair and Principal agreed to carry out the actions outlined in the ‘in-committee’ meeting.


Welcome to Lee-Anne Keates.

  • Lee-Anne presented to the Board the Financial Board Report
  • At this stage, the forecast does not look good, but we feel we will be able to claw this back.
    • We have likely income that is not yet able to be included in the calculations:
      • Projected (November) roll growth payment of approximately $60,000
      • Additional staff sickness and absence reimbursements  $20,000
      • Further saving from the current budget of                              $40,000
      • Total predicted and unbudgeted savings of                              $120,000
    • We predict, with this income, that we will have a working Capital at the end of 2024 of approximately $20,000
  • RTLB have a $46,000.00 profit from 2023. Advised that the Ministry are possibly going to take this back.

Approval to close Papatoetoe Principal’s Account.
Moved                Darryl
Seconded           Lofi
Carried               Unanimously

Asset register to be approved and received.

  • Big thank you to Diane who has worked hard to complete this document

Moved                Darryl
Seconded           Jeremy
Carried               Unanimously

Cyclical Maintenance

  • September meeting – this document will be finalised at this meeting.


  • July Finance Report and commentaries
  • Visa payment for both the School and RTLB
  • Bank statements
  • Credit Card spending – both school and RTLB
  • July Finances, reports, payments and statements approved
      • Moved                               Darryl
        Seconded           –             Lofi
        Carried               –             Unanimously

Thank you Lee-Anne – left the meeting at 7.30 p.m.

Conflict of Interest

  • Members declared that according to the printed agenda no one had a conflict of interest with any business to be discussed this evening.
    • Moved                Jeremy Nicholls
      Carried               Unanimously 

Confirmation of previous Minutes

  • Pauline Cornwell moved that the minutes of the 29th July 2024 are a true and correct record of the meeting.
  • Moved                     Pauline
    Seconded               Leigh
    Carried                    Unanimously
  • Matters Arising
    –   Nil



  • Ministry meeting with Pauline later in the week re roll growth
  • Mt Richmond project plans are confirmed
  • Mt Richmond temporary fix – all finances are completed. Project closed
  • Weathertightness project – delay for approximately 43 days [due to architect] Penalty clause that the Ministry will have to pay to the Contractors.
  • Structural rot – MoE have put aside $56,000.00 to fix this
  • Converting old admin space into classrooms – in the pipeline.
  • 5YA – ongoing….. MoE have not approved this and are now beginning further investigation and adjustments. Will advise Pauline once complete.
  • Long term roll growth – 2 classrooms on site by beginning of term 4.
  • Reception canopy looks great – waiting on installation of curtains to the front of the Canopy.
  • Once complete Room 12 to move to one of the new classroom
  • Move Resource Room up to Room 12
  • Ministry have approved funding to turn the old resource room and science room into 2 science rooms.
  • All plans have been received and approved for the above projects.
  • Moved the Property Report is accepted            Jeremy
    Carried                                                               Unanimously

At 8.00 p.m. Jeremy Nicholls moved that the Public be excluded from discussion of confidential items relating to personnel matters because of their sensitive nature. Carried – Unanimously.
This ‘in committee’ discussion closed at 8.50 p.m. and the regular meeting resumed.
The Board Chair and Principal agreed to carry out the actions outlined in the ‘in-committee’ meeting.

Principals Report

Pauline had shared her report with all members to read prior to the meeting.

  • Strategic Plan 2025 – 2029 [draft]
    • Pauline went through the document with Board Members

Approved by the Board for Pauline to take to the Community – Mohammed
Seconded               Darryl
Carried                    Unanimously

Pauline moved that –
Principal’s report is accepted.
Seconded                                        Jeremy
Carried                                            Unanimously


  • Everyday Matters Attendance Data – shared in Board Folder
  • AGM for NZSBA – 12th October online
    • Delegate – thank you Kimi. Barb to register Kimi.
    • Moved that Kimi is the Board delegate – Jeremy
    • Carried Unanimously
  • Kahui Ako report tabled.

Other Business

  • Christmas Board dinner out
    • Barb to find date in November – will send out a google doc for members to complete with dates and venues.
    • Venue – One Tree Grill or Non Solo Pizza in Parnell
  • ‘Be The Change – Pacifica Fono’ this Saturday at Roscommon School – thank you Kimi

Meeting closed at 9.10 p.m.

Next Meeting – Monday 23rd September 2024 at 6.00 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room