BOARD MINUTES – 27th September 2022

by | Nov 1, 2022

Tuesday 27th September 2022 6.00 p.m. in the Principal’s Office


Jeremy Nicholls [Presiding Member], Peter Cann – [MoE appointed Trustee], Leigh Manukau, Kimiora Parata and Lofi Tuala – [Parent Elected Trustees]. Lilien Skudder [Staff appointed Trustee]  and Pauline Cornwell – [Principal]

In Attendance
Barbara Ferregel [Board Secretary]

Darryl Wilson and Mohammed Sahu-Khan – [MoE appointed Trustees]

Thank you, Kimi  for the Karakia

Welcome to the new Board Members – Kimiora Parata, Lofi Tuala and LIlien Skudder.
New Members were welcomed and along with them all members shared with the Board a little bit about themselves. 

Election for Board Chair and Deputy Board Chair
Jeremy handed the meeting over to Pauline to call for nominations
Jeremy Nicholls nominated by Peter Cann
Seconded Leigh
Carried Unanimously
As there were no further nominations Jeremy was elected as the Presiding Member
Nominations were called for Deputy Board Chair
Peter Cann nominated by Leigh Manukau
Seconded Lilien
Carried Unanimously
As there were no further nominations Peter was elected  Deputy Board Chair.
Peter accepted the position for a year and requested for Members to think about stepping
into this position when Peter stands down in 2023.

Previous minutes – 29th August 2022

  • Moved as a correct record   Pauline Cornwell
    Second Leigh Manukau      
  • Carried                                Unanimously

Matters arising  None

o   Approved the August financial Reports – Pauline
Seconded Peter
Carried Unanimously
      –  School, RTLB, Papatoetoe Principals Association, Bank statements and Visa usage.
Pauline explained how the financial reports are presented and work.
No questions
Budgets should be available for the Board in October.
Financial report for new Admin Block. MoE are going to pay for the asbestos removal.  

Approved the Fixed Asset Register for 2022 Year
approved items removed
Acceptance of the Depreciation Rates for assets – ‘Useful lives’
Moved Jeremy
Carried Unanimously

Overseen by Watershed – Property report each month is shared with members
Tabled at meeting and members had all had the reports shared with them
Stone wall – to be removed. Not an original wall for the school. Replaced with bollards.
Moved Paulne
Seconded Peter
Carried Unanimously

Principal’s Report – taken as read –  Shared with the Board in the Board Folder

  • Governance at the start of the report – a full report for this meeting to allow the new members to fully understand the governance in the school. 
  • NZSTA are there for support and to offer training
    Members can phone them at any time and quote our school number 1428 if
    they require help or support
    Conference next week in Chch. There will be another in 2023 if members are
    unable to attend this one.
  • Lilien would like to attend this year. Barb will contact NZSTA tomorrow re booking Lilien flights, accommodation and conference registration.
    Kimi and Lofi would be interested in the 2023 conference.
  • School master plan shared with members – 10Year Plan
  • Review of STAR Way Handbook has been completed. 
  • Training with NZSTA
    – options for training – online or invite NZSTA to our school.
    –  Barb to share with members NZSTA events available for registration
    – invite Anna [schools financial support]  to a meeting to explain to members how to
      read financial reports.
  • Study Centre – Pauline explained to the Board how the funding worked for the Study Centre.
  • Move employment recommendations are accepted along with the Principal’s Report
    Seconded Jeremy
    Carried unanimously
  • Security cameras around school  – working well

Peter spoke to the Board about reading Board papers prior to the Board Meeting so members are then prepared to ask questions at the meeting.

Email reading – PLEASE read your emails regularly and REPLY to them.

Jeremy questioned overstaffing 
This will continue to climb but at a lower rate.  Manageable.

At 7.10 p.m. Jeremy moved that the Public be excluded from discussion of confidential items relating to personnel matters because of their sensitive nature.
Seconded Peter
Carried                     Unanimously

The Board moved to continue with the In Committee meeting.

 The ‘in committee’ discussion closed at  7.15 p.m. and the regular meeting resumed.

 The Board Chair and Principal agreed to carry out the actions outlined in the ‘in-committee’ meeting.

Correspondence and tabled documents
Declaration  of Board Elections
– Ministry of Education appointed
Peter Cann, Mohammed Sahu-Khan, Jeremy Nicholls and Darryl Wilson
Parent Representatives – 3 vacancies
Kimiora Parata 43
Lofi Tuala 39
Leigh Manukau 38
Sulendra Raju 19
Sharona Puletaha 14
Declared the following duly elected: – Kimora Parata, Lofi Tuala and Leigh
Staff Representative – 1 vacancy
Lilien Skudder 31
Heather Bates 27
Alisha Spiers 11
Declared that Lilien Skudder is duly elected.
Teaching practices survey results shared with the Board – run by NZCER and paid for by the
Teacher feedback – Leadership etc
Principal and Leader  feedback
Leadership and School practice

Correspondence and tabled documents –
Accepted Jeremy
Seconded Peter
Carried Unanimously

Other business
A celebration to say goodbye to old Board members and welcome new Board members. 
Saturday 29th October at 6.00 p.m.
Venue – One Tree Grill
Moved Peter
Seconded Pauline
Carried Unanimously
Checking emails
As request emails will be sent to your ‘papint’ and personnel address – PLEASE check these
regularly and reply when appropriate.
If members of the public come directly to you requesting help or have a problem. Please
bring this to a Board meeting or phone Jeremy or Pauline.
Payment for Meetings will be paid directly into your bank

What ‘achievements’ would the Board like to see as the school comes to a close for 2022
All staff on track and feel like they have had a successful year
Student achievement continues to improve
Seeing changes. Look after our staff
No more Covid restrictions – does impact on our children’s learning
Success of staff and students
Well being of everyone
Student achievement is a focus
Between this time now and this time next year would be good if there was more
engagement of different culture and sports groups in the school.

Lofi asked if we would have a Culture Group that would be able to perform on a Culture Day
at the Manukau District Court Open Day – 19th November.
Pauline will check with Sanjeev and let Lofi know.
School Culture/International Day on 25th November.
Reinstate the Careers Day.

 Meeting closed at   7.45  p.m.

Next Meeting on 31st October 2022 at 6.00 p.m.