BOARD MINUTES 28th August 2023

by | Sep 19, 2023


Date 28th August 2023
Time 6.00 p.m.
Present Jeremy Nicholls [Presiding Member] Peter Cann, Darryl Wilson and Mohammed Sahu Khan – [MoE appointed Trustees], Lilien Skudder [Staff appointed Trustee], Lofi Tuala  [Parent Elected Trustee] and Kimiora Parata [Deputy Presiding Member – Parent Elected Trustee]  and Pauline Cornwell – [Principal]
In Attendance Barbara Ferregel – Principal’s PA/Board Secretary
Apologies Leigh Manukau – [Parent Elected Trustee]
Minute taker Barbara Ferregel
  1. Administration Matters
Welcome and Karakia Welcome to
–          Sarah Richardson – AP appointed in Term 3
–          Vaiolupe Talakai [Ministry] and Roshni
–          Tamara Gersbach [RTLB Cluster Manager]

Thank you Jeremy for the Karakia

– Welcome to the school Sarah – started this term in an AP position. Team Waiti and English.

Vaiolupe Talakai and Roshni Sidhwa – Ministry of Education
– Pauline reported on the background of the school since she started 10 years ago:
–  10 years ago, our school had 840 students with over 400 students who were out of zone.
–  The school was also having leadership difficulty [ERO reports] and was in serious financial
difficulty – financial advisor, LSM and later a commissioner were appointed.
–  We are now back on track and are well managed financially and have a high quality and stable
–  Our out of zone enrolment numbers have decreased every year since 2013. This is able to be
tracked. In 2024 no our of zone enrolments will be taken. IN 2025 we anticipate having 800 [or         more] in zone students.
–  All this is common knowledge. We have been in the papers and MoE has had to support us for a
number of years .. our RTLB service has some of the very best feedback from schools in the            Country.
–  Now when we are being successful the MoE does not seem to provide support.

The Board then presented both Vaiolupe and Roshni with the following questions:
–          We currently are funded for 686 students. Why, in a school that has an equity index of 477,
can we not get updates for operational funding?
–          We have 96 more students that we are not funded for. What will the MoE do now [not in
November] to ensure that we can fund the extra teachers, furniture, classroom resources,
Chromebook and curriculum support needs for this year of students?
–          We currently have 622 in zone students out of 779

Why will the MoE Property not even talk with us about the plan for roll growth facilities when we anticipate having over 800 in-zone students in less than 2 years?
We know any building projects will take more than 2 years to get started, let alone complete.
–          Why did it take from March until after July to be allocated any increased staffing despite
repeated attempts from out school?
–          Why, in a school with both high transience and rapid roll growth, have we been told that every
time a child leaves, the 10 days count for staffing, re-starts, despite obvious roll growth?
–          We were told that Equity funding is allocated to individual students. What happens to the
Equity funding for students moving into our school from other schools?
–          2 of our Severe Behaviour cases have been suspended with one excluded without ever
having seen an Ed Psych – despite referrals and request for support and both cases being
accepted by the MoE.

Why have we not had EdPsyche support when cases have been accepted and we have been told the support will happen?
–          Why do we not have a Learning Support Co-ordinator – when will we get one?
–          Why do most of the schools in this area not have a Learning Support Co-ordinator when
there is such an obvious need?
–          Why was RTLB Cluster 10 not provided a Pasifika RTLB?
–          We have had 25% increases in referrals to RTLB?

We had the highest number of lockdown days in the country [Papatoetoe was locked down for an additional 2 weeks] and the concerns of weather, flooding, shootings and major gang unrest – high trauma ……….
–          Why have we been told that we may have a reduction of 1 or even 2 RTLB in our Cluster
when schools are so desperate for help?
–          How is the MoE listening to the local principals/RTLB/Schools – where is the evidence of
–          How is the MoE helping with staff and recruitment?
–          How is the MoE checking that the Ministry of Health is providing the required Public Health
Nurses and Dental Clinic support to schools?
We have had a Public Health Nurse for just 6 weeks this year and Dental Clinic for just on a term.

–          Tamara [RTLB Cluster Manager] also reported her major concerns.

Vaiolupe and Roshni listened and welcomed the challenge to take all this back to the Ministry.
–          They will report back with any progress.
–          They also advised that they had invited other MoE people to attend [Property and Finance]
and they had declined the offer.

Vaiolupe and Roshni left the meeting at 7.00 p.m.

Confirmation of previous minutes Moved that the Board accepts the minutes of the previous meeting held on 24th July 2023 as true and correct LT, LS, Carried
Matters Arising Financial graph – can this please be changed for the September Meeting PC, Carried
Correspondence –          Code of Conduct for Board Members – all completed
and filed.
–          Letter from Jenny Salesa
–          Letter from Minister – letter from Jan Tineti, Minister
of Education, referring our school to the MoE
JN, Carried
  1. Strategic Monitoring
Principal’s Report Approve finance report and property.
Staffing appointment
DW, LT Carried
Conclusion and Actions Maori Hui – shared the feedback.
–          Board had the opportunity to highlight areas of
concern or for discussion.
–          Lilien spoke to the Board about working in a large
space with 60 students. 2 teachers in the room.
Lilien spoke very positively about the teacher
–          Bullying and fighting
–  growing roll. Students arriving at the school
during the year.  School considers all
reported bullying seriously.
–      Reporting to families – EDUCA is very popular
with families. School also uses Facebook and
Website for notifications.
–      Health training – request for separate genders for
sex education.
Board needs to report back to families once all Huis/Fano’s are completed on concerns raised.

Pauline reported to the Board on staffing and requested permission to employ a specialist, PE Teacher.
And later in the year [July] we advertise for a specialist science teacher.
–          Staffing – fixed term – Paulette Corbett starting
term 4.
–          New Counsellor appointed for 2 days a week in
2024 to support Sian. He is working voluntary until
the end of 2023.
–          Kahui Ako – Vili Titiuti appointed as an Across
School Teacher. 3 days in our school and 2 days
across schools.

Roll growth – 778 students as of 28th August 2023.





PC, KP, Carried


Finance Report July reports shared with Board DW, JN, Carried
Conclusion and Actions –          We are running to budget.
–          Bike track – We had underspent by $29.000.00.
Will be required to pay this back to Trust if it is
not spent. Trying and buy a trailer.
–          School credit card – in In Committee
–          Old Admin Block – new classrooms
–   Ministry have had to apply for extra  funding
before it can start.
Property Report July Reports shared with Board JN, Carried
Conclusion and Actions Code of Compliance has finally arrived,for the new Admin Area  
  1. Other Business
Coffee Cart Board approved – for 19th September. This is a thank you from the Board to all staff. Staff will receive a hot drink of their choice along with a treat.  
Newsletter Board Members are not getting the fortnightly newsletter. Isometrics to re load Board Members using school emails.  
Year Book Jeremy and Kimi to send a blurb to Barb for the yearbook, by the 16th October 2023.

If members have any suggestions, please send these to Jeremy and Kimi.

September Meeting Invite Emma [SWIS] and Sian [Counsellor] to the September Board meeting – ‘how things are going’.  
  1. Meeting Closure
In Committee At 8.00 p.m. JN moved that the Public be excluded from discussion of confidential items relating to personnel matters because of their sensitive nature. JN/Carried
Out of In Committee The ‘in committee’ discussion closed at 8.15 p.m. and the regular meeting resumed.

The Board Chair and Principal agreed to carry out the actions outlined in the ‘in-committee’ meeting.

Main Meeting closed Meeting closed at 8.20 p.m.  
Next Meeting Monday 18th September at 6.00 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room.