by | Jun 25, 2024


Date 13th May 2024
Time 6.00 p.m.
Present Jeremy Nicholls [Presiding Member] and Mohammed Sahu Khan  – [MoE appointed Trustees] and Leigh Manukau [Parent Elected Trustee], Kimiora Parata [Parent Elected Trustee/Deputy Chairperson] Lilien Skudder [Staff appointed Trustee] and Pauline Cornwell – [Principal]
In Attendance Barbara Ferregel – Principal’s PA/Board Secretary, Tamara Gersbach – RLTB Cluster Manager.
Apologies Peter Cann and Darryl Wilson [MoE appointed Trustee] and Lofi Tuala [Parent Elected Trustee]
Minute taker Barbara Ferregel

Welcome and Karakia

  • Thank you Pauline for the Karakia.

Welcome to Tamara Gersbach – RTLB Cluster Manager [reports had been shared with Board Members]

  • Supplementary report around Statistics, Declaration
  • May Report
    • Satisfaction Survey – Tamara and her team are very happy with the results.
  • 2023 Annual Report Declaration accepted
    Moved                 Jeremy
    Carried                 Unanimously
  • Approval to employ a new RTLB and new Admin Support person.
    Moved                Leigh
    Seconded           Jeremy
    Carried                Unanimously

RTLB – Finances

  • March discussed and explained by Tamara
  • April finances were shared with Board members on the night and were also in the Board Folder
    • No questions for Tamara
      –             Jeremy Moved the March and April RTLB finances are accepted along with the May RTLB Report.
      Carried               Unanimously

Thank you Tamara – Tamara left the meeting at 6.35 p.m.

Welcome to Lilien to present the request for ‘Growing for Good Grant’ application, the ‘Pepeha’ and Community Feedback from 2023 – these had been shared with Board Members prior to the meeting.

  • Growing for Good Grant
    • Lilien presented the programme to the Board for approval to make an application for the $10,000.00 grant.
    • It is a great Cultural aspect that could be embedded into the school community
    • If the application was successful, the school would receive $10,000.00 to care for the Environment/growing cultural foods/upgrade the greenhouse etc.
  • Leigh moved the Board support the application.
    Seconded    Kimi
    Carried         Unanimously
  • Pepeha has been approved by our Kaumatua – Matua Jeff
    • As part of the Kahui Ako Lilien felt very proud to have been part of this journey.

Papatoetoe Intermediate School Pepeha

Ko te Puke O Tara, te Maunga kohatu
Te Puke O Tara is our Stone Mountain
Ko Tamaki, te Awa
Tamaki is our River
Ko Tara Te Irirangi te Tohunga
Tara Te Irirangi is our Paramount Chief
Ko Ngati Otara te iwi nei
Our people are Ngati Otara
Ko Ngati Otara, te marae
Ngati Otara is our Marae
Ko Te Rongonui O Naki, te wharenui
Te Rongonui O Naki is our Hall
Ko Tamaki Makaurau te hapori
Auckland is our community
Whanui mai nga hau e wha
Spread by the four winds

 Community Feedback of Cultural Hui’s from 2023

    • Lilien shared a slide show along with a document that the Board all had copies of.
      • Board Members found this feedback helpful and positive.
      • Strategic Focus Areas – these will be incorporated into the Schools updated Strategic Plan.
        • Student Agency
          • Empower students to take ownership of their learning and personal development.
        • Cultural Immersion
          • Provide authentic opportunities for students to engage in cultural activities and language learning.
        • Positive Teacher/Student Relationships
          • Cultivate caring and supportive teacher/student relationships to enhance learning outcomes.
        • Inclusive Environment
          • Promote diversity, inclusivity, and respect for all cultural backgrounds within the school environment.
        • Innovative Learning
          • Embrace innovative teaching methods and learning approaches to meet the diverse needs of students
        • The Board will report back to parents
        • A summarised document will go up on the School Website.

Thank you Lilien.

Conflict of Interest

  • Members declared that according to the printed agenda no one had a conflict of interest with any business to be discussed this evening.
    • Moved Jeremy Nicholls

Confirmation of precious Minutes

  • Pauline Cornwell moved that the minutes of the 25th March 2024 are a true and correct record of the meeting.
  • Moved Pauline
    Seconded               Mohammed
    Carried                    Unanimously
  • Matters Arising
    • Auditors and feedback was again not available for this meeting. It had not been received back from the Auditors. Anna Rutherford will attend the June meeting with the hope that the report will be available by then.


  • Anna did not come to the meeting as she is still waiting on the final report and documents from the Auditors. She is hoping these will be back in plenty of time for the 24th June meeting.
    • April Finance Report and commentaries
    • Visa payment for both the School, Papatoetoe Principals and RTLB
    • Bank statements
    • Credit Card spending – both school, Pap Principals and RTLB
  • $200,000 will come back into our budget as the Ministry have agreed to pay for the part of the Administration upgrade that we initially were required to fund.
    • April Finances approved
      • Moved               Pauline
        Seconded          Kimi
        Carried              Unanimously


  • Kris Morris-Vette [CEO of Watershed] very sadly, suddenly passed away on the 23rd April 2024.
    • Pauline and Barb attended Kris’s funeral in Tauranga
    • The flowers that were sent by the Board and Staff to Watershed and a candle to the family were gratefully received.
  • March/April 2024 Watershed Property Report
    • In Board folder
  • Pauline and Jeremy attended a meeting with Ministry Property representatives last week.
    • Below is a summary of possibly solutions to accommodate the roll growth and lack of classroom spaces.
      • Utilising existing spaces in the school
      • Moving some of the RTLB staff to a school with capacity. This could free up some spaces that were previously classrooms.
      • The Ministry provide a short-term deployment of classrooms to manage the current need while the long-term solution is developed.
        • Discussion around timing being the issue, and that the fastest solution would be to utilise an existing stock classroom if one is available.
        • Discussion that the second unit could be an OMB classroom if it could be delivered in T4 2024.
      • Conversion of the Admin space after the weather-tightness project is completed into classrooms (3)
    • This discussion will be ongoing with regular meetings with the Ministry
  • Moved the Property Report is accepted Jeremy
    Carried                    Unanimously

Principals Report

Pauline had shared her report with all members to read over prior to the meeting.

  • Administration Canopy – for the main entrance into the School.
    • Pauline moved the Board accept the quote for the Administration Canopy – approximately $126,371.45 this includes GST
      Seconded                         Jeremy
      Carried                              Unanimously
  • 2025 School dates accepted Kimi
    Seconded                         Lilien
    Carried                              Unanimously
  • Mt Richmond Property Occupancy Agreement
    Moved this is approved Jeremy
    Carried                              Unanimously
  • 5YA
    • External walk way or more Toilets
      • we need more toilets because of roll growth
      • External walkway – upstairs [are a hazard and non-compliant]
        • New walkway to provide access out of the classroom and becomes an external corridor.
        • This could also provide the opportunity to fix the upstairs windows
      • Moved that more toilets take priority Lilien
        Seconded           Mohammed
        Carried               Unanimously
  • Governance handbook – abridged as everything else is now on School Docs
    • Board are happy with the abridged version with an updated school map and staffing
    • Would also like in the Handbook
      • NZSTA Workshops for Board members
      • Board and Staff Code of Conduct
      • Meeting attendance
      • Suspension hearings
    • Cleaning Contract is up for renewal
      • Would the Board like to be involved with the process.
        • Leigh would like to be on the Appointments Panel.
        • Please let Pauline know by the end of the month if you would also like to be included. Pauline will speak with Darryl, Lofi and Peter and see if they would like to be part of the Appointments as they were absent from this meeting.
      • Mohammed suggested we request references from other schools on the applicants.
    • Mule Shed
      • Framing erected.
    • Pauline moved that –
      • Principal’s report is accepted    Mohammed
        Seconded                                        Leigh
        Carried                                            Unanimously


  • MoE’s [David Bos] response to Pauline phone call re roll growth
  • Everyday Matters – Term 4 2023 data
  • Auckland Transport – School van received a fine for not displaying the registration. [paid the fine]
    • As registration was completed at the correct time so we applied for a refund of the fine. Waiting on refund.
  • Camp 2024
    • Board approved ‘Sponsors’ letter and approval from Board to approach outside Sponsorship.
  • Moved                 Kimi
    Seconded           Leigh
    Carried               Unanimously

Other Business

  • NZSTA – now known as ‘Te Whakaroputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa’
    • AGM is Saturday 8th June
      • Kimi will attend and will vote on behalf of the Board.

At 8.00 p.m. Pauline Cornwell moved that the Public be excluded from discussion of confidential items relating to personnel matters because of their sensitive nature. Seconded – Jeremy. Carried – Unanimously.
The ‘in committee’ discussion closed at 8.15 p.m. and the regular meeting resumed.
The Board Chair and Principal agreed to carry out the actions outlined in the ‘in-committee’ meeting.

Meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.

Next Meeting – Monday 24th June 2024 at 6.00 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room