‘SHOT’ PAPATOETOE HIGH SCHOOL WHANAU – Drive through Vaccination Days

by | Oct 27, 2021

Kia ora – Malo e lelei – Talofa – Bula Vinaka – Fakalofa Atu – Kia Orana – Hello Papatoetoe Whānau!

Counties Manukau Health are organising a special drive-through pop-up vaccination clinic for the Papatoetoe community – students aged 12+, parents, and whānau. The new Delta strain of the virus is highly infectious which means it can be passed on from person to person much more easily than ever before. The vaccine is the best way that we can keep our community safe from COVID 19 and reduces the risk of becoming very ill from the virus (the likelihood of ending up in hospital from COVID 19 is significantly reduced).

Everyone over the age of 12 is now eligible to have their FREE COVID 19 jab. This special pop-up clinic is a great opportunity for our community to get together and help protect themselves from COVID 19.

You do not need to book – simply turn up on the day!

The event is being run over 2 days at Papatoetoe High School so you can choose which day you wish to attend:

Saturday 30 October between 9am and 6pm

Sunday 31 October between 10am and 4pm

On your chosen day, make sure you and your whānau have face coverings and if possible, bring your NHI number.

Information and resources about the Vaccine:

Manurewa High School recently hosted Dr Rawiri Jansen at an online assembly where he answered student questions about the vaccine. This is a fantastic video that informs us about the safety, effectiveness and importance of the Pfizer Vaccine (and some great questions from the students!) You can view the video here: https://fb.watch/7TIHb6FY5Y/

Here is some information available in a variety of languages if you require this:


You can also check out this information from Prepare Pacific:


Let’s all show whanaungatanga and do this for our whānau, friends and community.