Monday 15th February 2021

Monday 15th February 2021

MINUTES OF THE PAPATOETOE INTERMEDIATE BoT MEETING Monday 15th February 2021 6.00 p.m online Google Meeting [due to Lockdown 3] Present Jeremy Nicholls [Chairperson], Pauline Cornwell [Principal], Darryl Wilson [MoE appointed Trustees], Leigh Manukau and Kirsty Ellis...

BoT December 2020 Minutes

BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING PAPATOETOE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL MINUTES Tuesday 1st December at 5.00 p.m. in the Principal’s Office   Meeting started at 5.05pm with a quorum Welcome and Karakia  – Jeremy Present: Jeremy, Mohammed, Darryl, Heather, Peter, Kirsty,...